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Industrial air compressor 2019-03-11
via「Google News search」:https://www.marketwatch.com/press-release/north-america-stationary-air-compressor-market-by-regional-trend-growth-forecast-2019-2024-2019-03-06

Rotary stationary air compressor market segment will witness a favorable growth rate in the study period and will account for approximately two-third of the overall industry by 2024. The increasing usage of rotary types in the manufacturing industry owing to their advantages over other product types will be a major factor behind its market development.
Oil-filled stationary air compressors market will be augmented by their increasing usage in a wide range of end-user industries such as power plants, mining, oil & gas, etc. The segment?s revenue in 2024 will exceed USD 14 billion as their advantages over oil-free stationary air compressors such as low maintenance costs and high efficiency & capacity will result in a substantial growth rate in the study period.
Food & beverage is a key application segment in the stationary air compressor market which is likely to grow by a CAGR of around 3% in the forecast period. Mostly the oil-free types are employed in this industry as they lower the chances of food contamination.

KeyWords Tag:Engine Mounted Air Compressor manufacturer
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